Clip DescriptionWith Raven Eve
In 1280x720x3000kbps High Quality HD for a stunning clear download.
Spanking, Bondage, BDSM, Damsel In Distress, Long Hair, Struggle, Pain, Drool, Suffer, Ass Busting, Big Boobs, Screaming, Tight, Brunette, Legs Spread, Skirt, High Heels, Over Her Knee
Brenda had borrowed Ravens car earlier in the day. Brenda had been home for a little bit when Raven went to leave. She walks up beside her new car and couldn't believe what she seen. Brenda had dented her car and didn't say anything about it. Raven confronts Brenda and she denies the whole thing. Raven was mad as hell and grabs Brenda's hair to drag her into there garage. They fight and struggle around as Raven gets Brenda's hands tied behind her back. She ties her ankles as Brenda protest like hell. Raven pulls Brenda's pants down to her knees. She grabs her panties and pulls them in the crack of her ass. Raven the hopes Brenda over to a chair and puts her over her knee. Brenda couldn't believe it. Being treated like a piece of meat. Being bound and ********** like this. Raven begins to beat Brenda's ass over and over. It reddens with fire. Raven was going to teach her a lesson in lying.
Raven is available for custom video work. Shoot me an email to order yours today.
(clip is 8:05 in duration)
Brought to you by BrendasBound Productions
Clip Duration: 8 minutes |
Format | Size | wmv | 176.06 MB |
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